We all know that we were under British rule for about 200 years! Though we have adapted to their culture of living a modern and westernized lifestyle, many of us lack in speaking the English language passed down by them to us.
After all, we are Indians and as they say,” Angrez chale gaye, lekin angrezi yahi chod gaye!” Many people have really taken this statement to their heart and killed English grammar in as many ways as possible.
“I don’t judge people on cast, color, creed or gender. I judge people based on spelling, grammar, punctuation and sentence structure” -said a Grammar Nazi once. But in India, people like to be videsi and act like one. They think its okay to make a few silly mistakes, but what they don’t realize is that these mistakes turns out to be grave ones 😛
Checkout some of the instances when Indians brutally murdered grammar. Proud to be an Indian 😛
1.We Know What Happens on the Night of Marriage!
2.This Salon Deserves a Salute for Slaying it!
3.Child Cutting! Are You Even For Real?
4.Does Juice Really Visit You?

6.How Can You Take A Room?!
7.Dude Are You Even Listening to Yourself?! This is Crazy!
8.Illegal Business is Killing the mood now!
9.Dude you are gonna lose your job!
10.This is a wake up call for every child!

Hats off Indians! You Slayed it real well!