The earth is a billion years old and we cannot even imagine how many crazy incidents must have took place. Although we might not be able to round up all of them, here is a list of 13 crazy things that have took place in history that will leave you completely shook:
- In 1941, a Soviet archeologist wanted to open the tomb of the great conqueror Timur. Timur was a Turco Mongol conqueror in the 14th century. The inscription on his tomb read “When I rise from the dead the world shall tremble.” And on the inside of the tomb it stated “Whoever disturbs my tomb will unleash an invader more terrible than I.” Soviet Premier Joesph Stalin insisted on opening the tomb and did it himself. 3 days after opening the tomb, Hitler invaded the Soviet Union.

2. The cast of the hit TV show FRIENDS each made 1 million USD per episode in the final two seasons and now, they make 20 million USD per year for each cast member for reruns bought by Warner Brothers.

3. If you think you aren’t smart, it’s okay because none of the successful people were during their school years. In high school, Steve Jobs had a GPA of 2.65 out of 5 which can be translated to approximately, 68% which is a C+ grade.

4. In 1988 in Argentina, a poodle fell 13 floors from a home balcony and died. While falling to the ground, the poodle landed on a lady who instantly had a heart attack and died. A woman who witnessed this incident with her own eyes was struck and killed by a bus. A man who witnessed the lady die by the bust had a heart attack and died.

5. Want to hear a dumb way in which a person has died? In 1567, Hans Staininger died after tripping his own beard which was 4.5 feet long. He forgot to tuck his beard into his leather pouch that day and ended up stepping and tripping over it and eventually, dying.

6. Researchers have stated that if you win the lottery, there is a 20% more chance that you are likely to be murdered than an average person. This is why some people cover their face and hide their identity while accepting the lottery, to be more safe.

7. In 2017, a woman named Glenna Durham murdered her husband. The reason was unknown but she shot him 5 times continuously. After the incident, the couples’ pet parrot kept repeating the words “don’t shoot”. It was assumed that these were the husband’s last words. As a result, Glenna was found guilty of first degree murder and was sentenced to a life in prison.

8. The largest primate to ever walk this planet is the Gigantopithecus. It is the largest ape to have ever lived. It was 10 feet tall and weighed nearly 1,200 pounds. It was a vegetarian. It is now extinct and scientists believe it is because of their large size, limited diet and evolution.

9. On New Year’s Eve in 2011, a suicide bomber planned on blowing up Moscow’s crowded red square area, with a mobile phone bomb, during the celebrations. However, her plan failed as she received a spam text wishing her a happy new year, a little before she left her home. This caused the bomb to go off while she was still at home. She was the only person who died that day and the phone is still intact.

10. Serial Killer Dennis Rader who was also called the BTK killer used to install security systems for people in their homes. Many of the customers wanted the security system installed in their house to keep them safe from the BTK killer from entering their homes, unaware that he was the one installing the security systems for them.

11. In 2002, a huge bronze rhino statue which is a very rare kind and expensive was installed overnight in a river in Dublin. To this day, nobody known why or how the rhino was placed there.

12. In 1985, a black bear was found overdosed and dead in a forest after eating 76 pounds of cocaine that fell out of a drug smugglers phone. Before dying, if the bear were alive and high, it would have been one of the most dangerous apex predators on the planet.

13. In 1998, Sony was given the chance to buy rights to almost every Marvel character for 25 million. They opted to only buy the right for Spider-Man for just 7 million dollars. The company stated that nobody really cared about the other Marvel characters. Spiderman was the most profitable superhero until the Iron Man movies starring Robert Downey Jr came out.