25 Proverbs that we literally grew up with!


1.    Two Wrongs don’t make a Right.
Trying for revenge against someone who has wronged you will only make things worse rather than give you peace of mind. Moreover, if you do the same against him/her, what would remain the difference between both of you? Be the better of the two and forgive him/her.

2.    The Pen is Mightier than Sword!
Convincing people with your ideas and words proves to be more effective in changing their heart rather than forcing them to do things your way by imposing it on them.

3.    The Squeaky Wheel gets the Grease!
Only when you complain about a problem you have, your grievance will be heard. If you wait patiently neither you nor your grievance will be heard.

4.    When the Going gets Tough, Tough get Going!
When the situations are tough, strong and determined people don’t quit, they only toughen themselves up and face the situation head-on!

5.    No Man is an Island!
Many people say they are independent and don’t like taking help from anyone. But everyone needs to remember is that although how much ever independent the person maybe, he/she needs help and without any help they cannot perform upto the required standards.

6.    Fortune Favours the Bold!
Fortune/Success only comes to those who boldly face the situation and go after what they want determinedly, and not to those who prefer to tread safely and want to stay in comfort instead of taking on challenges.

7.    People who live in Glass Houses, shouldn’t throw stones!
You are not to criticize others or insult/humiliate them if you yourself have hidden skeletons in your closet or are not perfect!

8.    Hope for the Best, but prepare for Worst!
Bad things always happen. They might spring on you any moment or any hour. It always pays to be prepared for worst. So Pray for things to go smoothly and well, but don’t neglect to be prepared for things to go unexpectedly.

9.    Better Late than Never!
It’s good to do appropriate and essential things on time. But if you haven’t, do it late. There is nothing wrong in doing things late.

10.    Keep your friends closer and enemies closer.
Keeping friends closer is always a feel good factor! They help you, understand you; but keeping your enemies closer will help you grow as a person. It will make you determined and that way you will also get to know your weaknesses, which you can work on, especially when your rival always keeps pointing towards it! How knows, you and your rival, might become best of friends with the way you keep motivating each other.

11.    A Picture is worth a Thousand Words!
A picture/illustration conveys thousand more words and emotions than a written description. A picture captures the accurate situation and emotions which cannot be missed!

12.    Discretion is greater part of Valour!
It’s very important to know when you have to give up and surrender. It’s a mark of gallantry. Always staying brave and not wanting to back down even when you know you have lost, only conveys the message that you are trying hard to mask your weaknesses.

13.    The Early Bird catches the Worm.
When you want to succeed, determination and confidence aren’t the only things you need! You will need to work on to it! Start working early so you can be prepared when the opportunity knocks on your door!

14.    You cannot make an omelette without breaking few eggs!
When you want something great, you will need to let go of something. You cannot have everything. You might have to give up something or annoy few people. But don’t focus on those as they will only out put you off your focus!

15.    A Watched Pot never boils!
When you scrutinize something too closely or intently, the work seems to take forever. So, try distracting yourself from that particular work for some time.

16.    Actions speak louder than words!
When you want to prove yourself or want to prove a point, then merely speaking about it won’t convey the message. You will need to prove it by your actions by working on it!

17.    Practice makes Perfect!
If you want to be called a perfectionist at a skill, you will need to practice that particular skill a lot! Only then you will be labelled a perfectionist!

18.    Easy come, Easy Go!
When you get money or any opportunity easily, You will tend to lose it easily as well. Only when you get something after a lot of hard-work, you will understand the value and treat it cautiously.

19.    All Good Things must come to an end!
All Good Things must
You cannot always expect to have Good luck or good opportunities come to you. You also need some bad luck as well, as that will only test you and make you stronger and more determined than ever.

20.    One Man’s Trash is another Man’s treasure!
People have different likes and dislikes. And so their idea of valuables is different as well. What you may dislike, someone else may love it. So never keep any pre-conceived notions on anything about it being useless.

21.    There is No Time like Present!
When you wish to start something, do not wait until any “ripe” time. Start doing it now! If you wait for an opportune time, then you will have to wait forever!

22.    Beauty is in the Eye of Beholder!
This is probably one of the most important proverbs that we learnt. What may be beautiful to us might not be for someone else and vice-versa! Definition of “Beauty” is not limited to few words or few minds. Different things are beautiful to different minds! So don’t judge anything, b y the looks!

23.    A Penny saved is the Penny earned!
Save your money rather than spending it on “unnecessary” things! This is especially tru in this age! Saving money is equivalent to making money!

24.    Good Things come to Those who Wait!
Patience is a good thing, while being impulsive is not! Only when you wait patiently for something you will definitely get that at a right time.

25.    Absence makes the Heart Grows Fonder!
You tend to grow fonder of your partner/ friend/sibling only when they are far away from you! It’s a good thing to be away from them sometimes, as the distance will only strengthen your love for them.

By: Archa Dave

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