2017 is coming to an end, and it must have been a wonderful year for many of you and for few it would have been a year full of ups and downs! Every New year we all plan on taking resolutions and doing something worth by improving the little things in our lives. Usually, we make a list of things to do the following year and we break the rules half the time 😛
It happens, I also break the New Year resolutions ( as rules are meant to be broken 😛 ) I take and by the end of the year I am left with making a list of doing things again. But, books can really help you transform into a new person. I am sure you must be having a wishlist like being more vulnerable, or to find confidence, or eat more, live happy and be a whole new person.
For those who are looking a change in their life, must read some of these books that will change the way you think and lead your life and you will see the difference for yourself! Looking for a change of career? Health? Mind? Soul? Then you are at the right place, as below you can read through some of the best authors books that will blow your mind and “books might just become your new best friends”!
These 5 books totally fit that criteria. Read them, however more significantly, do what they tell you! It is how you apply things in life and act rather than just reading it like a story book, if you want best outcomes.
Read through..
1) The Alchemist By Paulo Coelho
If you are looking for a book that will teach you how to pursue your dreams then this should be on your list. This book will teach you how to face the daily obstacles in life and you will also learn how to build courage and walk the path of fear that comes your way. This is truly a life changing book.
2) Thirteen Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do By Amy Morin
Do you find it hard to overcome your failures and you get lost in the negative moment that is suppressing you? Amy will show you ways how to deal and overcome these difficulties and make your life much more better. Enjoying life everyday is the key to leading a healthy and happy life and this book will surely help and give you the right assistance.
3) As A Man Thinketh By James Allen

This is book will give you a deep meaning of what you are and what you think of yourself. Yes, we have multiple thoughts in our mind and what we think is what we become. So, how would you chuck away the negative thoughts that wander in your mind? The solution is to read the book and overcome what they tell you. Its a classic book.
4) The Secret By Rhonda Bryne
If you want to change the way you think about the present moment of your life, then this is the best book for you. It is one of my favorite books and it has changed my life personally. It taught me how to be content and peaceful in my life. It will renew you completely and will make you an architect of your own happiness and peace. Highly recommended.
5) Finding Your Element By Ken Robinson
We all have desires and passions that we want to achieve. But there are many of us who still havent discovered what we need in life! If you are one among them, then it is time that discover your passion and this book will help you in doing so. Discover how you can be free from the stringent rules of the society that everyone follows and find the real thing you need in life!
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