Many times we have said this statement, “ this film just scared the hell out of me” or “ this film nearly scared me to death” after watching a film and coming out of the theaters. There is a great possibility that a film makes an impact in our lives! It can be a motivational one, or for the worst part it can make a huge difference and change the life of a person forever!
For many people, some of the films have been the last film of their life forever. Yes, its true, there are incidents and tragedies that took place once the final credits of the film was shown and those people were never alive to watch the next film! These 6 films have actually killed people in real life and you must read how such a horrific thing happened!
1) The Conjuring 2 ( 2016)
This movie has been a blockbuster hit in scaring the hell out of everyone around the world! But, there was one person who could not take the horrific climax and died. According to the report of the Times of India, a 65-year old man in Tamil Nadu went and watched the film in theater and when the movie came to the climax point, he died due to chest pain!
2) The Twilight Saga: Eclipse ( 2010)

Who dies after watching Twilight?! Honestly, this is one of my favorite romantic films, but for one person this was not just a romantic film! A guy named Damien Smythe (23-year old) secretly sneaked a whiskey bottle inside the theaters and then was found dead inside the theater with the 1litre whiskey bottle lying beside him! According to the reports he died due to toxicity of the alcohol.
3) Avatar ( 2009)
James Cameron’s Avatar is one of the best science- fiction films, but for one person this film became a little too much that costed him his life! A Taiwanese man (42-year old) died of severe stroke and the doctors said that it was due to over excitement! Imagine the tragedy. Even extreme emotions can lead to death.
4) The Passion Of Christ (2004)

Mel Gibson, Passion of Christ has been of the most painful and touching films of the century and it did make many people cry. A 54 year old woman Peggy Scott was watching the film in Kansas, and when the Crucifixion scene was taking place, she died of heart attack.
5) Aliens (1986)

During the 90’s there was not much of alien movies that scared people to death! But this 1986 film shocked an Indian student and he died after yelling and coming out of the restroom and collapsed and kicked the bucket.
6) Grand Masti (2013)

This is a comedy bollywood film! How can someone even die after watching this film?! Yes, this film led to the death of a 22-year old guy who went with his girlfriend to enjoy the humor, but in turn he laughed so hard that led to fatal heart attack and he died!