Sweating is a natural process of the body and it is good for you to sweat. But, sometimes the same sweating can pose a problem in your daily life and you might just wrinkle your nose thinking where the smell might be coming from! Turns out, that stinking smell is coming from you. It is embarrassing I know if someone just points out at you and says, “dude you stink.”
Body odor due to sweating is common, that’s why you may have come across many deodrants designed to beat the smell and various types of fragrances are also made. For instance, there are many antiperspirants that you spray in your under arm, but the deo also is not able to beat the bad odor coming from your body.
So, how would you get rid of the smell? Well, there are 6 amazing hacks that can help you beat your body odor in just minutes.. Read through!
1) Smelly Under Arm
If your arm pits are smelly even after you are spraying one entire bottle of deodrant then it is time for you to chuck those bottles and use a permanent remedy for this. Say goodbye to those stinking armpits by taking a small cotton ball dipped in apple cider vinegar and rubbing it in the armpit area. The apple cider vinegar lowers the PH balance in that area and unclogs the pores of your skin, thereby preventing bacteria and odor.
2) Smelly Vagina

Many times girls have this problem of having a bad odor from their vagina. Its normal to sweat, and many girls sweat near the vaginal area as well that causes the bad smell to spread. The most easy way to get rid of the smell is to use mild soaps or washes made for the intimate area, that will avoid any dryness and prevent sweating. Make sure to wear cotton underwears and change them daily.
3) Smelly Gassy Butt

If you are prone to annoy people with your gassy backside then it is time to put a fullstop to the bad smell you have been spreading around! Simply swallow a spoon of ajwain or cardmom seeds with water. You will see the difference, as cardmom seeds release digestive juices that relieve gas.
4) Smelly Feet
Many of you have this problem, which is very common. Having smelly feet can pose a huge problem if you are removing your shoes in someone else’s house. The smell is due to sweating and build-up of the bacteria. The most simple way is to keep your feet dry and free from moist. Make sure to dry your feet well after a shower and before you wear shoes make sure they are dry and apply some antiperspirant in your feet if you are still sweating.
5) Bad Breath

Many times when we eat food spices like onions, garlic and other spices they tend to give us a bad breath even after hours of eating. So, it is important for you to have bad breath, because you need to talk to people and foul breath is a NO-NO! So, after eating, chew some mint or pudina. This will give you a fresh breath since it has cooling effect.
6) Smelly Hair

If you are suffering from smelly hair, here is a perfect solution. Take a mug of water and mix with baking soda and then you can apply in your hair and then you can leave it for about 5minutes. Then you can wash your hair with cold water. This will help in reducing oiliness in your hair and nourish it.