The amusing thing about embarrassing things is we frequently have precisely the same habit, yet for reasons unknown we don’t converse with each other about them. In case you’re in having a night out with ten people and there’s a possibility 90% of them having those same habits, then what is so humiliating about it?! duhh! 😛
It is the human nature that we tend to hide things from each other out of fear thinking that we will appear to be strange or filthy, yet you most likely dread significantly more judgment than what might really come your direction!
There is a well-known axiom about girls being “sugar and spice and everything nice” and it can be difficult to see where body odor and facial hair fit into that perfect, however it’s 2017, and its time we actually begin being open about the things we girls do at anyway. Wouldn’t it be more amusing to chuckle with each other over these senseless absurd habits as opposed to staying silent about them because of a paranoid fear of judgment?
Come on, lets laugh out loud about some of the shameful yet funny things every girl does but never admits it! You really need to admit though 😛
1) Wearing the same Bra without washing it for weeks!
I know right! I mean why would you wash it?! Its not even dirty 😛 Every girl has this statement.
2) Smell your armpits for any odor!

Really?! every girl must admit to this! Its a shameful habit but still, girls do it secretly when nobody is noticing them in a public area.
3) Peeing while you are having a a bath

OMG, this is really the most gross yet hilarious thing every girl does but she never admits to it! Peeing itself is the best relief and that feeling is wow..but when you pee while showering, its like you are washing away your evidence 😛
4) Pick your nose

This a talent every girl has! She knows when to pick your nose with nobody noticing you! Girl, you slayed it 😛
5) Stalking everyone on social media
Girls know how to pass their time. Simply open your social media site and stalk everyone whom you hate, whom you know and whom you don’t even know.
6)Not washing your face to remove your make-up and use tissues instead

Too lazy for that?! Well, many girls have this habit of removing their make up with wet tissues so that they could escape running to the washroom to get it done!
7) Fiddling with your in-growth hair

Admit it! You like it. Every girl does. They are masters in fiddling with things and when they are home alone, they sit and fiddle with their pube hair!