Winter is the most favorite month of the year for many people and when you start wearing a stole and a warm jacket, then you know that the season has finally arrived. Although you may love this season, but you also need to know how to battle the cold and keep your immune system strong.
There are certain super-foods that you must eat this winter to stay healthy and that will also keep you warm and provide nutrients to your body. According to a well known Dietitian Dr. Mukta Vasistha, everyone should have a focused and a balanced diet throughout the year.
In order to have an active and an energetic winter, you can eat these essential super foods that will help you battle the winter season and you enjoy and be merry!
Read through…
1) Almonds and Walnuts
When you get up in the morning it is advised that you eat Almonds and Walnuts. This will help you to have an active nervous system and also your sensitivity to insulin will be improved and your winter will be energetic and healthy. To make it tastier you can have these with apricots as well.
2) Sweet Potatoes
These are my personal favorite and this can best be enjoyed only during the winter season. You need not worry about increasing calories! Just relish the nutrients that will be provided from this super food. It has a rich source of Vitamin A, Potassium and Fiber. If you regularly eat this you would not have constipation problems and it will reduce inflammation and improve your immunity.
3) Turnips
I am sure many of you must not be fans of green vegetables, but when it comes to Turnips and its leaves, it is healthy to eat and you will also see the difference. It is rich in anti-oxidant so it will help in reducing the chances of Caner. Turnips have a high source of Vitamin K and the leaves contain good amount of Vitamin A, which is really beneficial for you. This will help in strengthening your bones and help in digestion as well.
4) Ragi

Now who loves Ragi? If you are a vegan and you want to consume a good amount of vitamins, then this super food is highly recommended for you. Ragi has rich source of Calcium and it controls amnesia and diabetes and those suffering from problems like Insomnia, anxiety and depression can have this tasty super food.
5) Dates
Who love to maintain a fit and toned body and are conscious about their health can opt for this amazing super food Dates. If you eat this regularly then your weight will be maintained and it will also keep you warm. People who especially are hitting the gym should include this in their diet and stay healthy!
6) Broccoli
For those who are prone to getting sick regularly, should include Broccoli and Cauliflower in their diet as it will prevent you from the winter flu that is contagious and you will stay healthy as well. Even though you are not a fan of these vegetables make sure you eat them as they are rich in Vitamin C and your immune functions even more faster.
7) Soup
Winter means soup. It is delicious and it also keeps your body warm. Try having a chicken clear soup with vegetables so that you have a healthy and a nutritional food and having this for dinner with a slice of bread will keep you sorted this winter.