7 weirdest cultures in the world!!


There is a traditional American saying “ Different Strokes for Different folks”.  This saying has turned out to be so true; it probably must be because of the human tendency to do different things.

Whether we are accustomed or no, weird things happen in this world. If you love reading creepy stuff, I’m sure you will enjoy reading these 7 weird cultures that happen around the world.

1.    Monkey Buffet Festival

Monkey Buffet Festival is considered as on of the strangest festivals that occur. It happens in the province of Lopburi, Thailand falling on the 25th of November every year.

It was started by a hotelier named Yongyuth. People set up tables in the downtown area and place fruits and vegetables and attract the monkeys who hop around all the tables and entertain the veiwers.

2.    Walking Dead

This is for the fearless people!!
As funerals can be costly, few people cannot afford a proper burial as a result of which they place the dead body in a temporary coffin. And when they are in a position to fund, they walk the body from the dead to its new resting place.

3.El Colacho Baby Jumping
The Spain residents have taken part in this weird culture since 1620.
In this festival, infants are laid down on the mattresses and the jumpers dress themselves like devils and jump over the infants as symbol to keep devils away.

4.    Living with the Dead

Can you imagine yourselves living with the dead bodies!!

It’s a very common practice for the ethnic groups of Indonesia to wrap the deceased and keep them in the house they live.

5.    Tossing the Baby
In Maharashtra, people toss their babies from a height of 50-foot tower. There are people standing at the foot of the building waiting to hold the baby. This is considered to bring good luck, healthy life and longevity to the children.

6.    Hanging Coffins

People Of China follow this weird tradition, wherein they bury their family members and hang them over some cliffs after death. This practice dates backs to almost 2000 years.

7.    KanamaraMatsuri In Japan

It is the festival of “Steel Penis”, which takes place on the first Sunday of April. Japanese celebrate fertility by carrying the huge wooden Phallus. It is believed that this celebration would regenerate the crops and ensure fertility to all.

Anyway it will definitely astound you to know that there is an entire festival and a day dedicated to Penis.

By: Lilian Rebekah

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