We all are not aware of everything that happens around us. We have compiled interesting and fascinating facts that you didn’t know about. You are surrounded by these facts but somehow you choose not to pay attention to any of the details. Well, we are here to let you know about these facts.
Fascinating Facts That You Didn’t Know
1. You can’t actually read without that ‘light voice’ that buzzes in your brain.
2. Cows do babysit each other’s calves when it is needed.
3. Kissing is much safer than hand shaking. A number of bacteria exchanged while is too less.
4. If you are thinking that you can watch each of YouTube then you should read this first. You need 1000 years to watch all the videos uploaded on YouTube.
5. Ants possess the capability of carrying 20 times of weight than the weight of their own body.
6. If you choose to eat McDonald’s salad over McDonald’s burgers then you should that they are more fattening than the McD burgers.
7. The Apple firm owns more money than the whole government of United States of America.
8. If you are thinking that most English speaking people will be a resident of US or Canada then you are wrong. China has more English speakers than America or Canada.
That was our short list of fascinating facts you probably didn’t know about.
Also read: 11 Fun Facts About Animals That Will Make You Smile
Tiru Dehariya