8 Kinds of Friends You Have.


Happy Friendship Day! Although none of need a separate day to celebrate this day – But, dedicating whole day for friends does seem a good idea- so go ahead and have that crazy make-over you planned or head down the bar and compete each other in drinks, sing karaoke or simply go for a long bike ride or even better watch your favourite action/thriller/horror movie while lounging on your sofa with beer/coke and an ordered pizza. This day is completely dedicated for friends and all the craziness that comes with only friends! So 3 cheers for all the craziness associated with friends!

Here is a list of 8 kinds of friends every person has!  

1.    The “Mother-Hen”:The Mother-HenThe over-protective of the lot- and this I the friend you go to when you need pampering! (S) he will never ever scold you rather will always try making you feel better about yourself when you are really low- this friend forces you to think about yourself and your life. They overly pamper you with not only their emotional talks and feel good factor.

2.    The Motivator:
This friend is who you turn to when you are stranded in a problem. S(he) won’t help you out of the problem directly, rather they motivate you to help yourself! They make you not to agonize and tackle the problem head-on. Now, this is the true Friend in need!

3.    The Trustworthy:
This friend is a must for every person. Everyone needs a loyal, trusted and a non-judgemental friend who will stand with you through thick and thin. These friends even read your silence and know you inside out!

4.    The Funny One:
This friend is probably the funniest of the lot. They will make you smile even when you are going through the worst break-up or are too wrenched up with anger that you can hardly form 2 coherent words. This friend is a must have- they calm you down instantly and are definite keepers.

5.    The Listeners:
This is the friend whom we generally call the 3 AM friend. These friends will always listen to you grumbling at any time of the day. Even if they are busy or hell sleepy- they will listen to you and be patient. They are compassionate, trust-worthy and non-judgemental. Moreover they make sure that they are always there for you when you need them.

6.    Polar-Opposite friends:
You definitely need one of them. – Someone who is completely opposite to you! Break out of the Human tendency of being friends with like-minded people by coming out of this comfort zone- You will then be open to many different views and trust us! You will definitely enjoy their company as well.  You can learn to have fun and let your hair lose sometimes or can try learning that sometimes being serious and focussed is vital too.

7.    A friend from a different culture- different state or country:
Having a friend from a completely different culture will not only make your life interesting, but will open you to the possibility of experiencing many new things. Be it their life style or their festivals or the different way of them celebrating the same festival. Not to mention you do get to try out all those yummy delicacies and what not!

8.    The Foodie:
The Foodie
This friend of yours knows all the best joints, restaurants and the best food served in a particular joint. You can always count on them to never let you stay hungry. They believe in eat and let eating- atleast few of them; Theywill either stuff you till you are full or would fight you for that last slice of pizza.

Dedicate this day to all your friends and celebrate this beautiful bond of trust with all your dearest friends!

By : Archa Dave

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