11 Things NOT to do on Your First Date

11 Things NOT to do on Your First Date

First dates always induce the nail-biting nervousness. When there are no strict guidelines to be followed, you do have to take care of few things, in case you do want to give this relationship a chance- who knows he could after all be your Prince Charming. So, avoid making a negative or disappointing impact on your date, which would inadvertently always boomerang back to you when you least expect it.

Things to avoid on your First Date

So read on and try remembering these things on your first date

1.    Don’t bail on him with any excuses.
Bailing on him with excuses like some illness or some work0related problem would only give an impression that you are not prioritizing him or doesn’t think him to be important. If there is a genuine and unavoidable circumstance be HONEST and reschedule the date. Do not spring it on him that suddenly at the last moment.

2.    Do NOT take your friend along.
Taking your friend with you on your date- definitely NOT the best idea. You are going on a date, not to hang out. It’s your date and your possible-relationship on the stake. It only says that you value your friend more than him or something between you both. AND if your friend happens to be a guy, then that’s the end of the beginning of the date.

3.    Do NOT try not-making an effort to get dressed.
It’s the first date, and it is a RULE to dress-to-impress. You may be a comfortable-in-converse kind of girl, BUT do try to make an exception to dress up for the date. That’s the first thing a guy would notice is how much effort you have taken for this date.
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4.    Do stay in contact PRIOR to the date or not turning up at all.
Do not cut-off communication prior to the date, which would only leave the guy hanging and confused about the date. Or you, not turning up at all. This would only make him feel like you were a mistake. If you are having second thoughts, call him up and say him honestly. This will only earn you lots of respect for being honest with him.

5.    Do NOT over-use perfume.
Yes, smelling great is very important, but it shouldn’t be like you took a dip in a perfume tank. Perfumes should be sprayed only in small amounts; it should smell airy and should convey your “signature” style. You don’t want him having a headache or feel nauseated throughout your date.

6.    Do NOT show over-the-top-attitude.
You are beautiful, smart, independent and sexy. He can see that as well. But do NOT try to over-act as if you are a treasured gift and he would be/ is lucky to have you as his date. This is a biggest turn-off and humiliating to him. This is a sure-shot way to get rid of him IF you are bored or disliked him.

7.    Do NOT sit mutely in the conversation.
Please, do maintain the conversation. Conversation is a two-way thing and he is definitely NOT your personalized TV. Do try to keep the conversation flowing. Do make him smile or laugh and do laugh or giggle at his jokes as well.

8.    Do NOT glance slyly at some other hot guy.
Seriously, ladies. This is a deal-breaker. You simply cannot be on a date with one guy and slyly try to covert glances at the guy on the other table or at the bar.

9.    Do NOT use your mobile phones during your date.
Seriously!! The moment you even think of answering a text or a call or God-forbid live-update your date on Twitter- I can assure you- you are never going to see this man ever again in your life. You are after all on a date to get to know him- NOT pass your time when you are bored. When on a date- give your ENTIRE attention to him.

10.    Do NOT be on Diet.
For God sakes- DO NOT try pulling “I am on a diet or I have to maintain my figure” excuses when it’s time to order. And do COMPLETE the food you ordered. If you didn’t like the food you ordered, then order something else. No issues. BUT order something and half-way through pulling the stunt of dieting is BAD.

11.    Do NOT Fake or Lie.
Be yourself. This is the RULE No. 1; not only on the dates, but this rule applies to each and every situation. Faking only shows that you don’t respect yourself or don’t consider yourself to be good enough that you have re-sorted to the means of faking yourself or lying.

By: Archa Dave

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