Christmas and New Year is just round the corner and as Festive season approaches, comes parties, clubbing, night overs and hangover the next day! And which is the most irritating aspect of drinking! We all hoped that we would be completely fine after drinking, but that never happens! And the only way to avoid the queasiness and the super-annoying ending headache is to drink in moderation or lightly (for new drinkers). Always try to alternate your drinks with water or some non-alcoholic beverage which will help you stay hydrated.
Here are some of the hangover cures that will help you ease off the queasiness.
1. Eating Light. Eating anything greasy is just inviting heart burn. You need to stay hydrated so always try eating something light
2. Alka-Seltzer- This 85 year old fizzy medicine has been used to treat hangover for long. There is another formulation called Morning which is specifically designed for hangovers
3. Vitamin Pills:Popping a multi-vitamin pill during your hangover is the best way to replenish nutrients that your body lost compared to those hangover cures available in miracle bottles. They are of no great use.
4. Coffee:Do try to avoid coffee as it narrows your blood vessels and increases your BP. If you HAVE to , then only take a small amount and see how you feel.
5. Hydrate Yourself:Water, juice, energy drinks like Gatorade will help you feel better as these help in replacing fluids that you have lost.
6. Pain relievers: PMS-related OTC like pampering, Midol, Cyclopam or Ibuprofen, Advil will provide you some relief
7. Sleeping:The withdrawal effects of alcohol will disrupt the sleep, but do try to sleep if you can the next day as the body has an amazing capacity to heal while people sleep.
By: Archa Dave