Other Wizarding Schools

Other Wizarding Schools

We were introduced to Dumstrangs and  Beauxbatons in the fourth  book of Harry Potter Series- in which  these 2 wizarding Schools came to Hogwarts to take part in the Tri-wizard Championship- which resulted in some serious consequences- including the re-birth of Lord Voldemort and death of Cedric Diggory ;(

Re-Fueling the imagination of fans, author JK Rowling has now published the names of wizarding schools in Asia, Africa and both Americas on her website Potter more. She delves into much detail about each of them – including where home-schooling is available and which subjects each school excels in. She even laments that some institutions are “rarely registered with the appropriate ministry.”

1.    Castelobruxo:
CastelobruxoCastelobruxo is the Brazilian wizarding school “hidden deep within the rainforest.” Students there wear bright green robes and are particularly talented at herbology and magizoology. The school is protected by small and mischievous spirit beings known as Caiporo.

2.    Mahoutokoro
MahoutokoroLocated in Japan on the topmost point of the volcanic island of Minami Iwo Jima, this palace is made of mutton-fat jade. Students are accepted at the age of 7, though at this time they are considered day students and are ferried between school and home on the backs of giant storm petrels. They board by 11, at which time they receive enchanted robes that grow as the students do and change color based on their learning progression. The school is also known for their Quidditch.

3.    Uagadou
UagadouThe largest wizarding school in the world is located in Africa at an unspecified location called “Mountains of the Moon,” the structure of which is described as being carved out of the side of a mountain and shrouded in mist. Students are adept at astronomy, alchemy, self-transfiguration. The students of this school don’t need wands, they use hand gestures. In lieu of letters by owl, accepted students receive Dream Messengers in their sleep from the current headmaster/mistress.

4.    Ilvermorny
IlvermornyA detailed account of this school isn’t available at this time, but based on the map revealed on Pottermore it’s the American school of witchcraft and wizardry located on the East Coast. Rowling previously revealed that, though it’s not in New York, “indigenous magic was important in the founding of the school. If I say which tribes, location is revealed.” Some of whose alumni of this school will be characters in the upcoming film Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.

Author added, “as a general rule, magical schools tend to be situated in landlocked, mountainous areas (although there are notable exceptions, as will be seen), as such regions are difficult for Muggles to access, and easier to defend from Dark wizards.The precise location of each of the following schools is a closely guarded secret.”

By: Archa Dave

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