English is a vast language, and the grammar is never ending. The more you learn, the more confusing and amazing it gets. There are about innumerous fascinating facts about English, that might just amaze you.
1.Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious is NOT the longest word even if it is made up of 34 letters.
2.No rhyming words for- Month, Orange, Purple or Silver
3.Bookkeeper is the only word in English that has 3 consecutive double letters.
4.Strengths is the only longest word with just a single vowel
5.Skiing is the only word which has double i
6.Rhythms is the longest word with no vowels
7.There is no “a” in any word from One to Nine hundred and ninety nine
8.Polish is the only word that can change from a noun/verb to a nationality with capitalizing the first letter.
9.Uncopyrightable is the only word with no repeating letters
By:Archa Dave