Tips to keep away those Scary Lizards

Tips to keep away those Scary Lizards

Lizards, although useful, are scary as hell; We want them out of our homes, even if they help us in keeping our homes cockroach free- Yeah. . they are helpful, but they are SCARY and UGLY!  There are hardly anyone, who would like having lizards at home; here are some tips to keep these scary little demons away!

1.Egg shells :
Egg-shellsScattering egg shells around the home, will keep these lizards away, as they hate the smell of raw eggs.

2.Coffee+ tobacco:
Coffee-and-tobaccoA mix of coffee and tobacco is a deadly poison for these little useful scary reptiles. Roll up the mix in a ball, and put them on toothpicks or simply scatter- licking this will instantly kill lizards

Garlic-Lizards-cannot-tolerLizards cannot tolerate the smell of garlic. Either spray the garlic juice or hang garlics near doors and windows, and you wouldn’t see these reptiles again.

4.Pepper spray:
Pepper-spray-Lizards-hateLizards hate pepper- so simply spray your pepper spray or mix back pepper with red chili powder and water and spray near the reptile’s corner in your home- you wouldn’t see one again

5.Naphthalene balls:
Naphthalene-ballsThe pungent smell of the naphthalene balls will drive away the lizards

6.Cold Water Ice cold water freezes these lizards- so spray one on a lizard, once it freezes, dispose them off.
7.Bird Feathers:
Bird-FeathersLizards are scared of birds- especially peacocks. So do up your homes with flock of feathers- especially peacock feathers and the lizards would get the illusion that there are real birds and would go away.

By: Archa Dave

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