Game of Thrones Finale: 5 Important Clues

Game of Thrones Finale: 5 Important Clues

Bing an ardent GoT fan, it’s hard not to miss anything. Being eagle eyed, and knowing each little insignificant thing, scene or a word uttered plays a major role sometime in future- although most of the times, these things made us all over think, but we all reached the same conclusions.

So, now that Season 6 is done with, we have to wait a good deal of 10 months for the next season, which is rumored to have only 7 episodes, so what now? Over thinking and re-watching and dissecting every scene to the core to give way to new theories and possible spoilers, and yeah, shooting is all set to begin next month, so yeah, Spoilers are coming!

Things that we missed:

1.The gyroscope/sun thing in the opening credits:
The gyroscopeThe gyroscope sun thingThe object, which looks like a huge gyroscope with its rings engraved with the sigils of the various important houses of Westeros, is actually a decoration that hangs from the ceilings of the Citadel in Oldtown. Maybe it’s something the maesters use to read and understand about the going on in the seven kingdoms.

2.White Ravens
White RavensWe see white ravens take their flight from the Old Town when Sam lands there. And few scenes later, Sansa revealed that thy received a White Raven with the news, that we all have been dying to hear- WINTER HAS COME! *Major Feels*

3.Arya’s  “My Lord”

Aryas My Lord Tywin Lannister Aryas My LordTywin Lannister, immediately saw through Arya, when she pretended to be his cup bearer, only because she said “My Lord” and not M’Lord, as high born ladies say ‘My Lord’ while a lw born girl say M’Lord.

4.Starks are Back!
Starks are BackWell, this one was hard to miss. I mean, how many of us didn’t clap and cheer up with tears in our eyes seeing the Starks’ Direwolf  sigil in Winterfell.

5.Azor Ahai : Bleeding Star
Azor-Ahai-Bleeding-StarMelisandre keeps talking of the prince, Azor Ahai, because of a prophecy that said, “There will come a day after a long summer when the stars bleed and the cold breath of darkness falls heavy on the world. In this dread hour a warrior shall draw from the fire a burning sword. And that sword shall be Lightbringer, the Red Sword of Heroes, and he who clasps it shall be Azor Ahai come again, and the darkness shall flee before him.”

She thinks Jon is the prince. . . Look closely at the photo of Ned’s sword with a star, which also has blood on it from the fight he just had with Ser Arthur Dayne and his men. Jon is literally born under the bleeding star…

So, here are some things, for us to ponder while the spoilers for Season 7 start pouring in the upcoming months.

Source: Hindustan Times.

By: Archa Dave

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