Rape, can happen to anyone -any time; with a person you know closely, or are acquainted with or don’t know irrespective of race, gender or sexuality. This is what 20-year-old Yana Mazurkevich tries to say through her photo series “It Happens”.
The series, inspired by the Brock Turner case, whowas released after serving 3 months in a county jail for sexually assaulting an unconscious woman behind a dumpster using the defense that it was a mistake and that it should not destroy the accused’s life, faced a lot of ire and criticism.
Rape Happens Suddenly
It Happens Unexpectedly
It Happens with Anyone
It Happens Unwillingly
It Happens to Anyone
It Happens Anywhere
It Happens At Anytime
It Happens Without a Reason
It Happened
Image Source: It Happens
By: Archa Dave