WTF! A Girl Stabs Her Boyfriend To Death Over Who Will Cook Dinner!

WTF! A Girl Stabs Her Boyfriend To Death Over Who Will Cook Dinner!

In today’s Indian society so many incidents take place, but arguing over cooking and stabbing a person to death for that reason is one of the psychotic things one can ever do.

Similarly, In Uttam Nagar, New Delhi an ugly incident took place on Saturday, where a 28 year old woman allegedly stabbed her boyfriend multiple times to death. The victim’s name was Eezu who was 30-years old and was a Nigerian. Elvi Ujumma was accused and was arrested thereafter for murder.

The police issues a report from Ujumma who stated that she had requested Eezu to come over to her house in the evening, but, soon there was an argument between the two and the neighbors had to intervene in the matter. They both had quietened down once the neighbors left but, ended up continuing their argument over who will cook dinner.

Ujumma claimed that Eezu had hit her first and started the fight. To frighten him off, she got a knife from the kitchen and requested him not touch her. Be that as it may, when he again attempted to assault her, she stabbed him multiple times! This statement was given by the police.

girlWhen Eezu was coming to her angrily, Elvi locked herself in the room and after around 30 minutes when she came out she saw him bleeding and unconscious. “I got terrified on observing him draining badly and called my friends. Together, we took him to the hospital and the doctors declared him dead on arrival.” stated by Ujjuma to the police.

After he was declared dead, Elvi returned home and informed the police and on arrival, they broke the door since she had locked herself inside and was arrested.

These days anything can happen and with this incident that went the wrong way, it is shameful to see people fight over petty things and lose control of their anger.

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