Individuals are simply insane. They work additional hard and save cash for quite a long time to purchase a rich dream car. In any case, assume you have burned through a great many rupees on your fantasy car and it winds up broken. The agony is terrible and disappointing.
Pune based Mr Hemraj Choudhary who purchased a new Toyota Fortuner worth Rs. 39 lakhs worth has confronted something far more terrible. Choudhary was exceedingly frustrated when the auto wound up flawed not long after he got it in the March.
Indeed, even subsequent to sending the auto for repair different circumstances, the issue continued and that is the point at which he chose to demonstrate his outrage. According to Lok Satta, Mr Choudhary filled junk in the SUV and sent it to the administration focus.
Anyhow, following a couple of hours he found that the Fortuner was sent to MIDC police headquarters without his insight. It’s being said that the administration focus sent the vehicle to the police headquarters, however starting at now, it’s misty concerning who sent it.
At the point when the proprietor found that the auto was sent to the police headquarters, he called Lok Satta and said that that he would give this vehicle to PCMC for trash gathering.