12 hatke protocols you will asked to follow if you are in India

12 hatke protocols you will asked to follow if you are in India

India is one of the most diverse countries in the world. Indians known for their superstitions have been practicing many traditional cultures till date with innumerable reasons. If you are born in/visting India, below are the few things you will be asked to follow!

Removing footwear before entering house or temple!

Avoid pointing soles of your feet at anyone or at the god!

Passing/holding of objects or food only with right hand!

Use of ‘Aap’ or ‘Aapka’ for elders and ‘Tu’ or ‘Tumahara’ for younger!

Your lip should not touch other people’ s food or water glass!

First the guest of honor is served, next the men and then the children!

Greeting with ‘Namaste’ and touching feet of elders!

Intrusive questions are considered as polite conversation between strangers in India!
Don’t be surpised if you are asked about your salary or your whereabouts!

Having a spoon of curd with sugar before setting out for some important work!

Washing hands, legs and face before eating a meal!

Wasting  food is considered a sin!

Accidental contact with one’s foot followed by an apology!

Hindi is the most common language used for conversation, though each state has its own language!
Though this may not be an etiquette but without this your stay at India may become uncomfortable!

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