7 things you will never forget about your First love

7 things you will never forget about your First love

When I’m flipping through my old photos and my daughter asks me, “ Mama who is that man sitting beside you with his arms around you”, I should be fortunate enough to point my hand across the room and tell, “There He is!! The answer to your query”

This would be the dream of every person who found his or her first love. But, all stories do not have an ending, an ending which we muse upon. “Destiny Determines”.

There is none who can claim that the memories of their first love have been deleted from their system. First Love is pure and special. It fills the heart of those men and women with inexplicable feelings.

Here are 7 things you will never forget about your first love:

1. First Kiss:

First Kiss

Disclaimer says that this is not the kiss you gave a guy. This is the kiss you gave your first love.

Butterflies hovering in the stomach, the dopamine flush on the face, the high you get without weed…. these feelings are so priceless that you can never make them yours with money.

2. The First Time you met:
The First Time you met him
Is the picture scrolling in front of your eyes as a movie on a big white screen? Oh yes!! The man or woman you are picturing is your first love. The place, which resulted in the union of two precious hearts, is one that can never be wiped out form the memory hills.

It is a place, which makes you revisit again and again to experience the pure and happy feelings.

3. His Smile:
His Smile
Let it be a 1000 watt lucid smile or a simple angelic one, that smile can create a huge impact on one’s mind and heart. My aunt once told me when she was in her 50’s, “ Even though I do not love him anymore, his smile keeps haunting me. That the only thing about him I would wish to remember the rest of my life”.

4. The mountains of Happiness and the Valleys of sadness you shared together:
Happiness and sadness you shared together
No relationship is perfect and each one comes with a package of its own grief and happy moments. No matter how much a person who comes later in your life keeps you happy, for a fraction of a second your heart would always connect to the happy times you shared with your first love.

If you are going through rough times one of the thoughts that can comfort you is the arms of your first love around you, trying to console.

5. Money was not the criteria:
Money was not the criteria
Let’s accept the fact about when we were in our 20’s or late teens, it really did not matter how much money was being spent for the outings, trips, food, even though it was a permanent injunction that a guy should be paying if he takes you out, but instead one would spend an extra penny in order to be together.

6. How long the Relationship Lasted:
How long the Relationship Lasted
Departure is always tough. Good times don’t last forever. When things become rough and hard to handle, moving away from each other seems the best solution.

But one thing, which will haunt your memory, is how long you were fortunate enough to stay with your love. The details will never be erased.

7. Reasons for Break up:
Reasons for Break up
The reason for splitting of one heart into two is the most depressing and hairsplitting memory. Few people accept it and move on while many take a long time to overcome. They are firmly embedded in the memory.

Being in love is the best feeling ever, but the memories with your first love will always remain as the purest form of love.


BY:- Lilian Rebekah

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