Ananthapura Lake Temple: Uniqueness of historical temple

1Brief history of temple


The history of this temple is still not known except some legends. It was the place where Divakara Muni Vilwamangalam, the great Tulu Brahmin sage, did penance and performed the time when Lord Narayana appeared before him as a child. The face of the boy was overwhelming with radiance and this overwhelmed the sage.He felt anxious nd asked who he was.

The kid answered that he had no father no mother and none at home. Vilwamangalam felt pity for the kid and permitted him to stay there. The kid proposed a condition that at whatever point he feels mortified he will leave the spot on the double. He served the savvy for at some point. Yet soon his adolescent tricks got to be deplorable for the sage and he responded brutally. Embarrassed the kid vanished from that point in the wake of announcing that if Vilwamangalam needs to see him he would need to go to Ananthankat, the the forest of serpent god Anantha.

Vilwamangalam soon understood that the kid was none yet the ruler himself and he had extraordinary repentance. He discovered a cavern at the spot where the kid vanished and he continued further into the collapse hunt of the kid. He arrived at the ocean and continued further around the south and finally he arrived at a woody territory close to the ocean. Vilwamangalam saw the youngster who soon vanished into colossal illippa tree (Indian spread tree or Mahua tree). Promptly the tree tumbled down and expected the state of Lord Vishnu lying on a thousands hooded serpent.

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