Ananthapura Lake Temple: Uniqueness of historical temple

3Structure of the temple


The temple is extraordinary in its structural angles for it is raised at mildest a awesome pool of 302 feet. The lake is skilled with an enduring supply of unadulterated spring water. We can discover the remnants of temple all round the lake which stand confirmation to the way that it was a piece of an extraordinary temple complex. The sreekovil (sanctum sanctorum), namaskara-mandapam, thitappalli, and altars of Jala-Durga and the doorway of the hole are found in the lake. The namaskara mandapam is associated with the eastern shake by a foot-span which is the main entry to the sreekovil.


The main divinity is Lord Vishnu. One of the key peculiarities of the temple is that the first icons in the sanctum sanctorum were not made of metal or stone, yet of an uncommon mix of more than 70 therapeutic materials called `kadu-sharkara-yogam.’ These symbols were supplanted by panchaloha metals in 1972. They were given by Kaanchi Kaamakoti Mathaadhipathi His Holiness Jayendra Saraswathy Thiruvatikal. Endeavors are going on now to reinstall the icons made with `kadu-sharkara-yogam.’ The Lord Vishnu symbol is in a sitting stance over a five-hooded serpent ruler Lord Anantha. The lake sanctuary is interested in all guests paying little respect to station or belief. The District Tourism Promotion Council has arrangements to protect the sanctuary and its surroundings for its uniqueness.

The temple has an astounding gathering of wood carvings on the roofs of the mandapam. These carvings delineate the episodes taken from the stories of dasaavatharam (the ten incarnations of Lord Vishnu). Some of them are painted. The Nava-grahas (nine planets) are painted at the muktha-mandapam. On either side of the sreekovil dwaara-palakas (jaya and vijaya) are perfectly cut in wood.

The sanctuary is interested in all paying little mind to religion or cast. The closest real route station to Ananthapura Lake Temple is Kasaragod track station which is around 12 km from here. There is additionally a line station at Kumbala. Karipur International Airport, Kozhikode is the closest air terminal which is around 200 km from here. To reach there by street one needs to take a deviation from Naayakkaapp (5km from Kumbala) on the Kumbala-Badiyatukka street.

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