Black Pepper, commonly called as kali mirch is one amazing herb. From colds to Flu to weight loss management to Gastric problems, this amazing herb has lot more to offer. Here are some of the amazing benefits of Black pepper.
1. Antibiotic Properties: Due to its high vitamin C content it has high antibiotic property. It curbs harmful free radical reactions.
2. Gastro Diseases: Black pepper eases the digestion process by secreting hydrochloric acid and thereby helping in the prevention of diseases related to the intestine and the stomach
3. Bacterial Infections: Black pepper helps in treating bacterial diseases like constipation, diarrhea and colic infections.
4. Cough And Cold:Un-surprisingly, the spice is a remedy for cough and cold. The antiviral properties of black pepper are used for treating respiratory disorders as well.
5. Flu And Congestion:Black pepper eases congestion due to the free radical scavenging activity
6. Metabolism: Black pepper boosts the metabolism in the body by burning the unwanted calories and helps in reducing belly fat.
7. Dental Health: Black pepper helps fight tooth decay and provides quick relief from toothache along with cloves.
8. Anti-Depressant:Black pepper is a natural anti-depressant as it stimulates the nervous system.
By : Archa Dave