C-Section: Evolution through Ancient Times


Cesarean section, has been an integral part of ancient culture since ancient in both the oriental, middle east, Indian and western cultures, as it was only used during the times of mother dying during child birth and the only way to save thee baby was to cut open the womb of the dying mother.

C-Sections in Mythology:
1. In Greek mythology Apollo removed Asclepius, founder of the famous cult of religious medicine, from his mother’s abdomen.
2. Ancient Chinese etchings depict the procedure on living women.
3. In ancient Hindu & Egyptian cultures, there were many great kings who were born through C-Section
4. The Mischnagoth and Talmud prohibited primogeniture when twins were born by C- section.

The term, C-section is commonly derived from the birth of Julius Caesar, but it is debatable, as his mother Aurelia is supposed to have lived during his invasion in Britain. However, at that time, the practice was to only perform when the mother was dead or dying, & only as an attempt to save the child. Other possible Latin origins include the verb “caedare,” meaning to cut, and the term “caesones” that was applied to infants born by post-mortem operations.

The indications for the C-section has undergone tremendous & dramatic evolutions since the ancient times to the modern times. And it was used only as a last resort to preserve the life of the baby, but not mother. However, it was not until the 19th century, that due to advances in the medical procedures, that saving the mother’s life was a possibility.

Your doctor may also order a C-section if:
1. baby is breech.
2. baby is in a transverse position/ lying sideways in the birth canal.
3. baby’s head is large.
4. baby’s heartbeat is slowing down.
5. You are giving birth to more than one baby.
6. Your baby has a birth defect that makes vaginal delivery unsafe.
7. You have umbilical cord issues.
8. You have health conditions that make vaginal delivery unsafe. These include high blood pressure, HIV, open herpes lesions, or heart problems.

Watch the video below on how C-sections are effecting the evolution:

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