It is transparent, colorless, shapeless, odourless, tasteless- We all love it yet we are all afraid of it; We all fight for it, yet we all waste it. It is a life giver yet a life taker. We all frolic in yet run away from it. It can scald you yet it can freeze you as well.Scientifically, known as hydrogen dioxide, and commonly known as water! We all cannot stay without it, we all love it’s taste and crave for it even if it is tasteless. It is a universal solvent and without it, there will be no life left on the planet.
Bacteria are 93% water, water melon is 85% water, humans are 65% water, yet we all need water to survive as it is the main component of the human body, comprising almost 2/3rd total body weight. Water regulates body temperature, hydrates internal organs, and keeps our system going.. .it is essential for digestion, absorption of vitamins and nutrients and detoxification of the liver and kidneys.
You don’t need to drink the required 12 glasses of just have to drink as much as possible, as the fruits that we eat, other fluids that we drink- fruit juices, tea, barley, etc., also contain water and they do help in hydrating the system.
Here are ways to include more water in your system:
Have a non-alcoholic beverage with every snack and meal.
Eat more fibrous fruits and vegetables.
Always keep a bottle of water with you in your car, at your desk, or in your bag.
Drink a glass of water with each meal and between each meal
Add a lemon wedge or any other fruit like kiwi, cranberry, strawberry, grapes to your water for added taste
For a warm drink, try warm water instead of coffee or tea
Benefits of drinking adequate water includes:
1.Maintaining Fluid Balance in Body
2.Boosting Brain & Alertness
3.Fighting decongestion & dehydration
4.Helps in Digestion
5.Helps in Joint Pains and Headache
6.Curing Hangover
7.Helps in relieving Fatigue
8.Helps in clearing out the skin problems
9.Helps in controlling Calories
Drinking 1L of water gives you:
0 Calories
0 Fats
2% Sodium
3% Calcium
2% Magnesium
These are only the most commonly known benefits of water- there are many unexplored and unknown benefits of this universal keep gulping down water for your health!
By:Archa Dave