These famous personalities’ name shows that their parents are seriously inspired by food.
“Charlotte”- Name of Britain royal baby princess!
Hopefully, the royal princess celebrates her first birthday with this cake!
A type of grape used for resin!
“Amaranth”-interchanging the place of ‘an’ with each other gives a common Indian name.
It is a plant whose seeds, leaves and stems are used in dish.
“Caesar”- Do you recall the name ‘Julius Caesar’- a Roman general,a statesman and so on.
If he had known his title is ridiculed to that of a ‘salad’, then you know the consequence!
“Dom”-This name is familiar and you need not break your head to recall where you heard, if you are serious movie buff.A real drink for hardcore one, like Dom (‘Fast and Furious’)!
“Napoleon Bonaparte” was first emperor of France and was prominent for his involvement in French Revolution.
Considered as one of the world’s greatest military leader has his name which is a dessert!
A Hungarian brandy made from apricot! Might be a favorite of US President!
The ‘Sherlock Holmes’ actor Benedict Cumberbatch was able to resolve the mystery by having this!
“Tom”-This explains why Tom used to run every time after Jerry!
Because, Jerry, the mouse might be teasing him as a cock-tail!
As the famous line goes “what’s in a name? “, it’s always the action that matters!