Hard work vs. Love work


Hard work,a noun, according to a dictionary whose meaning is stated as “a great deal of effort or endurance” But, what does it actually mean? Why any work has to be done with an effort? Does loving our work not sufficient? If a work is not done by happiness and willingly, wouldn’t that be considered as work or why is that not considered positive?

Charlie Chaplin once said that “Love is enough to get everything done”. So here we have an idea- “let’s do everything by starting to love it”.  Although, not all of us are so fortunate that we get everything we love, like for instance working life of a passionate Automobile engineer in an IT Consultancy.

love-is-enough-to-get-everyBut to survive in this over-competitive world we have to adjust with life. We have to accept things many a times, which we dislike- because as a popular saying goes “Food is first priority than life”. As a result most of us are frustrated and depressed.

Why can’t we take the reality as it comes? Why we can’t do our work, zealously as we the work what we have always longed to do?

Let’s all try loving it. Let’s love the work we have been assigned even if it is not in our favor. Let’s all spend some more time with it.Try loving it. Once we start loving it there will not be terms like hard work  or pressure while referring our work and success. Love is really a powerful tool.

Many might not agree with this statement, and it is difficult, but still it is true- “Where love stays in your work, there hard work is termed as a negative word”

–    By NB

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