History of July 4

History of July 4

1776 US Congress proclaims the Declaration of Independence and independence from Britain
James-Hutton1785 James Hutton, geologist, publicly reads an abstract of his theory of uniformitarianism for the first time at the meeting of the Royal Society of Edinburgh
kames-Hutton-geologist1817 – Construction began on the Erie Canal, to connect Lake Erie and the Hudson River.
Construction-began1819 William Herschel makes last telescopic observation of 1819 comet
William-Herschel1848 – In Washington, DC, the cornerstone for the Washington Monument was laid.
In-Washington1855 In Brooklyn, New York, the first edition of Walt Whitman’s book of poems, titled Leaves of Grass, is published.
In-Brooklyn1884 Statue of Liberty presented to US in Paris
Statue-of-Liberty2004 The cornerstone of the Freedom Tower is laid on the site of the World Trade Center in New York City.
The-cornerstone2015 UNESCO grants World Heritage Status to vineyards in Champagne, France along with Singapore’s Botanical Gardens, Diyarbakir Fortress (Turkey) and Maymand  Caves (Iran)
UNESCO-grants-WorldBy:Archa Dave

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