Everybody loves wearing branded items be it clothes, shoes or accessories to look posh. It is true that luxurious products require money to purchase them but, the question is how would you identify the difference between a original and a fake product! Have you ever wondered, when you go for shopping you are given a pretty reasonable price for a product or brand you buy.
There are chances that many sellers may try to sell a replica of a desired brand and cost you huge amounts for it. So, if you want to invest a worth brand and see if its really an original one, below is a list of some amazing tips on how to spot the difference between a fake brand and an original one.
1. Logo:
It is true that a logo speaks for the brand itself. Most of the designer items for instance handbags, have metal logos on them. Also the logos should be perfectly designed, if it is slightly ajar, then it is easy for you to spot it. The logos that are stitched on should have the same number of stitches on the other side as well.
2. Material:
This is one of the most important thing that describes the quality of your product. If you are looking for a leather material, be sure to check the difference. Original brands tend to have real leather, while fake brands have this material called Rexine which is the replica of leather!
3. Zips and Buttons:

This is yet another minute detail that will spot the difference. Mostly designer zips use matte hardware designs while the fake ones use a glossy finish zips that offer poor quality. Zips should also be smooth and of the same color. Similarly, buttons attached also have small details. In designer brands you will see logo designs on buttons, whereas in fake brands you can see the lack of detailing given to a button.
4. Brand Spelling:
This is one of the most important part of a product which is a visible distinguishing mark that speaks for you! Many times we see misspelled brand names with smudgy letters written. That product is a fake as compared to original brands where you cans see perfect font with the correct name of the brand.
5. Packaging:
This plays an important role again. Many designer products have high quality packaging boxes with safe packing and the logo and brand name mentioned on them, whereas other products have ordinary packing and do not have any logo name or high quality bags.
Keep these tips in mind and when you go shopping next time, you can spot the difference for yourself. Happy shopping!