RaveenaTandon and Manoj Bajpai, seen together after 14 years since their last movie Aks was released in 2001. In this new short film, titled Jai hind, they play the role of a middle class Indian couple making dinner plans, which is cut short when their bike is collided with a car and the driver instead of helping, gets out and says “Bloody Indians” and drives away. He then takes his injured wife to the nearby restaurant ignoring the board reading “Dogs and Indians” not allowed. There he is thrashed by the people and are then thrown out. The “message” of the short film is to be thankful to all those freedom fighters who have lost their lives for the independence and gave us the chance to stay independent and live our lives our way.
This video shows our thankfulness to our freedom fighters in a hilarious and extremely emotional, patriotic and antagonistic. The talent of Manoj Bajpayee and RaveenaTandon could have been used in a much better and productive way. #Azadi4Me is the new campaign that is encouraging people to share their views on what independence is to them.
Watch the short film here:
By: Archa Dave