Light: A Short Film

Light: A Short Film

Light, a short film with the theme, ‘A small thought is enough to enlighten one’s life’ stands true to the harsh realities of life and the innocent and small thoughts of children that brings huge difference to the lives. Children- observe more than they see, think more than they are said and listen more than they hear. It’s truly the children who bring a difference. Their innocent and simple thoughts are more significant than an adult’s debates and discussions.

Light is a simple yet  inspirational film that has been woven around a child’s simplicity and innocence and how it changes the life of the less fortunate. Directed by Vijay Vishwa and produced by Jai Bandam of Bandam Productions, the short movie evokes many emotions and makes us believe in humanity that exists in little things done by people around us. Things they do to help us might be very little, but the results they evoke is the ‘LIGHT’ that the society needs.

By: Archa Dave

4.1/5 - (9 votes)

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