Mahabharat: Re-told in 36 Tweets

Mahabharat: Re-told in 36 Tweets

Re-owned Mythologist Devdutt Pattanaik tweeted the entire Mahabharata in 36 tweets. The Legend of Mahabharata (in #Jaya) that is typically contained in 18 chapters and 1 lakh verses are re-told in a mere 36 tweets.

1.  01/36 Prince of Hastinapur is named Bhisma after he gives up sex & inheritance so that his father can marry an ambitious fisherwoman. #Jaya

2.   02/36 Fisherwoman Satyavati’s sons die childless. Poet Vyasa is called to impregnate the 2 widows who beget 2 sons: 1 blind & 1 pale #Jaya

3.  03/36 Pale younger Pandu gets crown, 2 wives and curse of death if he touches a woman. Effectively childless, he withdraws to forest #Jaya

4.  04/36 Blind elder Dhritarashtra becomes regent and clings to throne. He gets a wife Gandhari who blindfolds herself #Jaya

5.  05/36 Pandu’s 1st wife Kunti uses a mantra and compels 3 gods to give her 3 sons. Same mantra gets 2nd wife Madri twin sons #Jaya

6.  06/36 Impatient and frustrated Gandhari strikes pregnant belly. Out comes a ball of flesh that Vyasa transforms into 100 sons #Jaya

7.  07/36 Dhritarashtra’s 100 Kauravs raised in palace. Pandu’s 5 Pandavs raised in forest. Pandu dies soon after. Madri kills herself #Jaya

8.  08/36 Orphaned Pandavs return to palace with Kunti and raised alongside resentful Kauravs. Bhisma appoints Drona as joint tutor #Jaya

9.  09/36 As tuition fee for martial training Drona demands half of Panchala kingdom to settle an old score. Pandavs make it happen #Jaya

10.  10/36 Blind uncle gifts triumphant Pandavs a (lac) palace. Kauravs set it aflame. Pandavs escape bid on life and hide in forest #Jaya

11.  11/36 In forest mighty PandavBhim kills barbarian Baka& Hidimba and marries their sister Hidimbi who begets a son Ghatotkacha#Jaya

12.  12/36 Panchala-king Drupada hopes to avenge division of his kingdom through daughter Draupadi and sons Shikhandi and Dhristadhyumna#Jaya

13.  13/36 Talented charitable Karna disqualified from archery contest at Panchala as he is charioteer’s foster son, unworthy of princess #Jaya

14.  14/36 Archer PandavArjun disguised as priest wins contest; wins Draupadi; shares her with brothers on mother’s orders #Jaya

15.  15/36 Pandavs meet and befriend their cousin Krishna at Panchala archery contest. Receive support on revealing true identity. #Jaya

16.  16/36 With Krishna as friend and Draupada as father-in-law, Pandavs boldly return to Hastinapur and claim their father’s inheritance #Jaya

17.  17/36 Kingdom divided. Pandavs get the forest of Khandava, which they burn and clear to build fabulous city of Indraprastha#Jaya

18.  18/36 Arjun, exiled for intruding Draupadi’s privacy, travels, meets and marries Uloopi, Chitrangada and Krishna’s sister, Subhadra # Jaya

19.  19/36 Guided by Krishna, Bhim kills mighty Jarasandha in duel. Impressed, all kings attend eldest PandavYudhishtir’s coronation # Jaya

20.  20/36 Jealous KauravDuryodhan invites Pandavs to gamble. Yudhishtir loses kingdom, himself, brothers and common wife Draupadi#Jaya

21.  21/36 Jubilant KauravDushasan tries disrobing haughty Draupadi to humiliate Pandavs but she is rescued by Krishna’s miracle #Jaya

22.  22/36 Draupadi swears to tie hair after washing it in Dushasan’s blood. Unnerved Kauravs grant Pandavs 1 more game to win back kingdom #Jaya

23.  23/36 Pandavs lose. Exiled in forest for 13 years. Final year as servants: humiliation as well as lesson in humility #Jaya

24,  24/36 Exile over. Kauravs refuse to return Pandav land. Peace efforts fail. Pandavs declare war with 7 armies. Kauravs have 11. #Jaya

25.  25/36 Armies meet at Kurukshetra. Before war, Arjun loses confidence. Krishna gives him perspective (Bhagavad Gita). 18-day war starts #Jaya

26.  26/36 Bhisma can choose hour of death; blocks victory; lowers bow before transsexual Shikhandi; pinned to ground by Arjun’s arrows #Jaya

27.  27/36 Drona is next commander; ruthlessly breaks all rules of war; fights at night; gets Abhimanyu and Ghatotkacha killed #Jaya

28.  28/36 False rumours that his son (or elephant) Ashwatthama is dead makes Drona lower his bow; Dhristadhyumna beheads him #Jaya

29.  29/36 Karna leads Kauravs despite knowing he is Kunti’s illegitimate abandoned firstborn. Ignorant Pandavs mock his low status #Jaya

30.  30/36 On Krishna’s advice, Arjun kills unarmed Karna as latter tries to pull out chariot wheel stuck in mud; consumed by guilt later #Jaya

31.  31/36 Bhim kills all Kauravs; drinks Dushasan’s blood; washes & ties Draupadi’s hair; unlawfully strikes Duryodhan fatally on thigh #Jaya

32.  32/36 The Pandavs celebrate victory. Ashwatthama sets aflame battle camp at night and kills Draupadi’s 5 sons & 2 bros as they sleep #Jaya

33.  33/36 Yudhishtir crowned king. Only surviving heir alive is Abhimanyu’s unborn son, Parikshit. Mother, uncle, aunt go to forest to die #Jaya

34.  34/36 After a long successful reign, Yudhishtir learns of Krishna’s death and renounces kingdom #Jaya

35.  35/36 Pandavs& Draupadi travel to mountains. All fall to their deaths except Yudhishtir who is granted access to paradise #Jaya

36.  36/36 Yudhishtir finds Kauravs in paradise! He is furious until he realises: as long as he clings to rage, heaven can never be his #Jaya

By: Archa Dave

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