Make him want more from you !


A man is not much express able as a woman is able to do and with span of time he starts losing interest, if you don’t charm him. Create the magnetism that keeps him attracted towards you.

Here are few great tips that will pull him towards you

Be natural

Don’t doll up yourself with excess of make-up and hair products. Guys like you see getting dressed up, but at the same time they also want your natural side more than they do you being dressed up all time.

Be relaxed

A Guy likes that his girl is relaxed and comfortable around him to remain low key. He hates a nag and snappy girl, so never ever resort to get positive results.

Avoid high appearance look

He can lose interest in you because he can feel the demands are too high for him to be dealt with. Go medium to keep it safe.Attraction03

Don’t make a haste to call him first

Even though your heart pounds inside to call him, but then wait for his call. It also gives you an idea of how much he is interested in you. This golden rule really works.Attraction04

Don’t act too jealous

Even though you may have anger on your boyfriend, being flirted by other girls, try controlling on it. So instead of being jealous, just smile at her, extend your hand and introduce yourself as his girlfriend.Attraction05

Make sudden plans

Don’t just wait for his asking. Go ahead and make a plan that he too gets surprised. He will surely enjoy it.Attraction06

Be smart and confident

Guys like their girls to be smart. They don’t want a timid girl, so lift your chin up and walk in confident.Attraction07

Little bit of jealousy is also necessary

It makes him more attracted towards you. Speak about other guys and make him feel he is not the only one flirting you.Attraction08

Let him know slowly about you

It really surprises him and finds you more interesting. So don’t just reveal yourself right away.Attraction09

Pull him by your smell

Men go crazy by the enticing smell of yours. They want to hug and kiss you.Attraction10

Be sexy

Wear the clothes that show your body curves. They won’t be able to take their eyes off from you.Attraction11

Compliment him

Hold back your flattery if you are in relationship. Compliment him for his look, dress as they too love being noticed.Attraction12

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