No backyards? Love gardening? Now you can have your own garden on rooftop. So if you are thinking to start a green roof garden of your own, here are few things that you might want to take into consideration:
1. Safety
Install fences so that it protects person as well as tools from falling down. Moreover roofs are generally windy places.
2. Weight
Figure out the sustainable weight of your roof as too much load in the wrong place can cause structural damage.
3. Pots and Containers
Choose containers that are lightweight and allows drainage.
4. Find a water source
Rooftop beds and containers will dry out quickly and may need to be watered daily during the hottest part of summer
5. Make space for storage
To keep fertilizers, tools and soil
6. Pick the right plant
Go for plants that can grow in less area
7. Maintenance
If a plant is not doing well in one location, move it around till you find a sweet spot.
Happy gardening