Do you like chicken prepared dish? These few facts about chicken will make you to think, before you try a chicken dish.
1. Genetically modified chicken
They are given drugs to make them as fat and big as possible resulting in crippled legs and organs. Their life shortens because of weak immune system. Had the test been done on you, you would weigh 150 kilograms in 2 years.
2. Filthy sheds for chicken
Chicken are crammed inside a tiny filthy shed with thousands of other birds, each getting less space. This leads to intense crowding and outbreak of disease.
3. Avoid Urinary tract infections
Broiler chicken carcasses sold in store have detectable levels of E.coli (Escherichia coli).
4. Avoid Bird Flu
Eating undercooked chicken flesh, eggs or even touching the eggshells of the contaminated bird can infect a person.
5. Prolong Your life
Vegeterian are believe to live 6 to 10 years longer on average than chicken-eaters do.
6. Avoid heart related problems
A chicken contains just as much cholesterol as red meat and egg contains three times more than that.
7. Avoid risk of cancer
HCAs (heterocyclic amines) are found in chicken when cooked at high temperature and has been linked with risk of cancer.
8. Save the environment
The massive amount of antibiotics fed to chicken are found in high concentration in their feces which is disastrous for the environment.
Discover the joy of being vegetarian.