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Tag: Animals

Why You Should Switch to Cruelty-Free Products

Each day, millions of animals around the world including dogs, rabbits, cats, hamsters, mice and even rare primate are taken from their...

Fight Off- Cockroach and Fire Ants| Fight for Survival

We are all aware of the food chain, and the need for survival for creatures of all sizes and purposes. Michael Bustos, who owns...

Pet Love over Relationship – Woman Rejects a Marriage Proposal For...

We, Indians generally go through many “steps” before tying the knot- the first step is meeting the prospective groom and then slowly things settle...

World Conqueror | Yellow Bellied Snake

The venomous Yellow Bellied snake, can drift on ocean currents for thousands of miles—possibly clocking distances of 20,000 miles. It is a true world...

Sayonara | Unlikely Friendship

Friendship is always unique. Just like finger-prints, no two friendships are alike. Each friendship is important and unique in its own way. Sometimes, friendships...

The Passenger

A one-man project created by Chris Jones, is a story about a passenger who while travelling alone, comes across a rogue dog, and after...

Creation of Animals

We all know how animals were created- Thanks to our Zoology classes and Darwin, we now have a clear idea on the evolution; but...

Tips to keep away those Scary Lizards

Lizards, although useful, are scary as hell; We want them out of our homes, even if they help us in keeping our homes cockroach...

Gorilla Love | Indian TV Serial

Indian TV serials are known to experiment. But, experimenting have actually made the creative directors lose their logic. There are many mythological characters like...

Take me Home

A Dog is a man’s best friend and a protector and the most faithful companion. Its tough imagining a life with a dog, but...

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