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Tag: Fun facts

Set to Marry

Meet the 49-Year-Old Woman Who Is All Set to Marry Her...

Sleepyheads would know how strenuous it is to be in the absence of our bed and in many cases it is considered the most...

9 Fascinating Facts About Kissing

Kissing is a beautiful gesture to show your love to someone. But, there are a number of facts about kissing that many of us...

7 Amazing Facts About Human Body

We know a lot about our surrounding but when it comes to our own body, we know nothing about it. In this article, we...

11 Fun Facts About Animals That Will Make You Smile

Our earth is a residence to a number of creatures. This time we have gathered a list of fun facts about animals that we...

6 Cool Fun Facts From All Around The World

Around the globe, we have 196 countries but a few of officials don’t consider Taiwan as an independent entity. So, for few of us,...

Unknown Geographical Facts 101

Earth is mysterious and there are many unknown facts about the only living planet (yet) that you must know. Did you know, that about...

Bacterial Cement and Bricks | BioMASON – Built with Nature

BioMason,an ecologically sustaining, eco-friendly biotech-start-up, is the futuristic and innovative organization, which makes its products using a process that's more than million years old....

Four New Elements in the Periodic Table- Officially

Four new elements, with atomic numbers 113, 115, 117, and 118, were placed on the periodic table with temporary names of ununtrium, ununpentium, ununseptium,...

Sands & Snow: Flipside of a coin

Even though, fire & ice are the polar opposites, they are the opposite sides of a single coin, similarly, sand & snow are opposites...

Horticultural Engineering & Religious Art

Art is everywhere. Even science is related to arts, so is English, Maths and social sciences. So, how can horticultural engineering remain untouched? Late Irish...