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Tags Posts tagged with "Fun facts"

Tag: Fun facts( Page 3 of 28 )

A Dark Taj Mahal- Fact or Fiction?

Shah Jahan, according to some historians wanted to be buried in another spectacular monument, and not beside his beloved wife. He wanted to construct...

History of August 9

48 BC Caesar's civil war: Battle of Pharsalus - Julius Caesar decisively defeats Pompey at Pharsalus and Pompey flees to Egypt. 1173 Construction of the...

History of August 3

1492 Christopher Columbus sets sail on his first voyage with three ships, Santa María, Pinta and Niña from Palos de la Frontera, Spain for...

History of August 1

1498 - Christopher Columbus landed on "Isla Santa" (Venezuela). 1714 Monarch Georg Ludwig becomes King George I of England 1717 Nicholas Rowe is appointed British...

History of July 27

1280 Sogen Mugaku, founder of Engakuji temple arrives in Japan from China 1501 Copernicus formally installed as canon of Frauenberg Cathedral 1586 Sir Walter Raleigh brings...

History of July 25

306 Constantine I is proclaimed Roman Emperor by his troops 0326 - Constantine refused to carry out the traditional pagan sacrifices. 1837 The first commercial...

History of July 21

356 BC Herostratus sets fire to the Temple of Artemis in Ephesus, one of the Seven Wonders of the World. 365 Crete Earthquake followed by...

History of July 20

1749 Earl of Chesterfield says "Idleness is only refuge of weak minds" 1801 - A 1,235 pound cheese ball was pressed at the farm of...

History of July 18

0064 - The Great Fire of Rome began. 1334 The bishop of Florence blesses the first foundation stone for the new campanile (bell tower) of...

History of July 15

1099 - Jerusalem fell to the Crusaders. 1500 - Baglione family massacre at the "Blood Wedding" of Astorre Baglione &     Lavinia Colonna in...