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Tag: history( Page 12 of 32 )

History of April 13

837 Best view of Halley's Comet in 2000 years 1741 Royal Military Academy forms at Woolwich 1796 - The first known elephant to arrive in the...

History of April 12

1606 England adopts the Union Flag 1833 – Charles Gaylor patented the fireproof safe. 1905 French Dufaux brothers test helicopter 1905 - The Hippodrome opened in...

History of April 11

1901 - Construction on the Empire State Building was completed. 1912 RMS Titanic leaves Queenstown Ireland for NY 1919 The International Labor Organization is founded. 1986-...

History of April 9

0193 - In the Balkans, the distinguished soldier Septimius Seversus was proclaimed emperor by the army in Illyricum. 1667 1st public art exhibition at the...

History of April 7

30 Scholars' estimate of Jesus' crucifixion by Roman troops in Jerusalem 1724 Johann S Bach's "John Passion" premieres in Leipzig 1827 English chemist John Walker invents...

History of April 6

46 BC Julius Caesar defeats CaeciliusMetellus Scipio and Marcus Porcius Cato (Cato the Younger) in the battle of Thapsus. 610 Lailat-ulQadar, night koran descended to...

History of April 5

456 Saint Patrick returns to Ireland as a missionary bishop 1887 - Anne Sullivan taught Helen Keller the meaning of the word "water" as spelled...

Cursed Objects in the World

8 Terrifying objects that have either killed or brought severe miseries to the people still exist in the world- Don’t believe us? Still think...

History of April 2

1513 - Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de Leon sighted Florida. The next day he went ashore. 1792 - The U.S. Congress passed the Coinage Act...

Historical Medicine: Treatment of Common Medical Issues

In historical times, treatment of now-common medical issues in the most horrifying way. Even things as  common as stuttering , Hemorrhoids,  Coughing had the...

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