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Tags Posts tagged with "history"

Tag: history( Page 2 of 32 )

340th Anniversary of determination of Speed of Light

We all learn that the speed of lights, travelling from sun to earth is about 299,792,458 metres per second way back in the early...

Is Gravity the same Every-where? Or Do Some Places have High...

As Earth is spherical, logically, the gravity would be distributed similarly throughout; Logical? Isn’t?  But it isn’t so. .  There are places that have...

Whereabouts of Continents: How the Continents are precisely placed.

Hajime Narukawa, of Keio University, Graduate School of Media and Governance created a more accurate design of the world map, which won the grand...

Cursed Diamonds #1 | Temptation is Inviting Trouble

Diamonds are a girl’s best friend- this cannot be truer than Sun rises in the east (Technically, it doesn’t “rise”). Many have wasted their...

The Rise & Fall of Eye-brows- From Untouched and Uni-brows to...

Eye-brows are considered an integral part of any face. They arch protectively over the eyes, increasing their attractiveness and framing our faces. These hairy...

Importance of Snow Caps | Devi Durga in Ice

Devi Durga made of ice was unveiled at  Axis Mall, Kolkata by the Snow Park Unlimited Entertainment . The very first     Durga Idol...

Unusual & Impressive Churches From Around the World

Churches, the religious place where we see the beautiful fusion of religion, peace and art – which being similar to each other, as yet...

Accidental Treasures: 18 Implausible Priceless Treasures that were discovered by Chance

Treasure are usually found in deep dark places- maybe hidden away at some dark corner in at the basement of an old abandoned castle...

Fallen Corpses of Punctuations: The Ones That Didn’t Make the Mark

Punctuations have been in use since ages immemorial. Their history is dated back to ancient Greece. Many of them evolved and changed over the...

Happy 18th B’ Day Google: Let’s Party

Google.com, one of the world’s most relied and trusted and the most commonly used search engine, is celebrating its’18th b ‘day today, September 27,...