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Tags Posts tagged with "history"

Tag: history( Page 4 of 32 )

Leonidas: The Original “Former” Olympic Maestro

Swimming champion, Michael Phelps has broken a 2168-year-old Olympic record of Leonidas of Rhodes, who won 12 individual titles; while Phelps has a total...

Azaad |Independence Day

Our ancestors have fought for many years to gain the independence from the British, they lost many battles, families and their homes, but they...

Apno Rajasthan | Rajasthan Tourism

Rajasthan,the place where you see a unique blend of royalty and exoticness. It is flled with art, music, history and regal architecture. It gives...

M.S. Dhoni- The Untold Story

We all know the man as the best captain of Indian Cricket ever seen. We know the man and we know his achievements, now...

History of August 11

1860 - The first successful silver mill in America began operations. The mill was in Virginia City, NV. 1874 - A patent for the sprinkler...

Ancient Greek Plants Mythology #2

Ancient Greece had been rich in their heritage. Their culture, worship, farming, and many other things they did were always attributed to gods. There...

A Dark Taj Mahal- Fact or Fiction?

Shah Jahan, according to some historians wanted to be buried in another spectacular monument, and not beside his beloved wife. He wanted to construct...

History of August 9

48 BC Caesar's civil war: Battle of Pharsalus - Julius Caesar decisively defeats Pompey at Pharsalus and Pompey flees to Egypt. 1173 Construction of the...

Symbols of Women’s Love

We have all heard of the monuments built by men rulers for their beloved. But have we ever heard of the monuments of female...

History of August 3

1492 Christopher Columbus sets sail on his first voyage with three ships, Santa María, Pinta and Niña from Palos de la Frontera, Spain for...