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Tags Posts tagged with "OMG"

Tag: OMG( Page 3 of 54 )


National Geographic’s Best Photographs | Round Up of 2016

Right from the heart of the gallery of National Geographic Magazine, here is the list of 51 best photographic moments curated from selected from...

Four New Elements in the Periodic Table- Officially

Four new elements, with atomic numbers 113, 115, 117, and 118, were placed on the periodic table with temporary names of ununtrium, ununpentium, ununseptium,...

Dinosaur Tail in Amber | Perfect Preservation & Embalming

99 million years old dinosaur’s bones, soft tissue, and feathers preserved in amber has been found in a mine near Myanmar by a team...

The 3 Filters in Gossip

Who doesn’t love gossip? It’s the major hobby of the large percentage of human population, especially indulged when one is bored, or over tea...

340th Anniversary of determination of Speed of Light

We all learn that the speed of lights, travelling from sun to earth is about 299,792,458 metres per second way back in the early...

Solar Power Plant: Go Solar, Go Green

India is now home to the world's largest solar power plant, a 648-megawatt (MW) field facility in the southern part of the country. India,...

Sands & Snow: Flipside of a coin

Even though, fire & ice are the polar opposites, they are the opposite sides of a single coin, similarly, sand & snow are opposites...

Is Gravity the same Every-where? Or Do Some Places have High...

As Earth is spherical, logically, the gravity would be distributed similarly throughout; Logical? Isn’t?  But it isn’t so. .  There are places that have...

Best Candid Shots of President Obama from his Presidency Years

President Obama's presidency tenure might be coming to an end, but he definitely was one of the coolest presidents in the White House. From...

Surreal Scenic Landmarks on Earth |Heaven on Earth

No! These are not movie sets, or graphics or even paintings, and no, these are not even photo-shopped and/ or taken from some other...