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Tags Posts tagged with "Pets"

Tag: Pets( Page 2 of 2 )

World Sparrow Day: Interesting Facts on these Chirpy Birds

March 20 of every year is dedicated to these hyper-active, chirpy and smallest birds- sparrows. On this World Sparrow Day, let’s  see few of...

100 Years of Bunny Beauty

From sitting and twitching their noses to a faux of hawk between their ears in 1920 to a cow lick of 1930s and fuzzy...

Valentine’s Day Special: Animals Feel the Love

1.    First Kiss 2.    A little Peck 3.    Bunny Kiss 4.    Foxes in Love 5.    Kiss on the forehead 6.    Owl Kiss 7.    Family Kiss 8.    Pigeon Kiss 9.    Parrot Love 10.    Snail...

Dog’s Love for his Sister

Dogs love their family unconditionally. There is no questioning this! They get so attached to us that they start being unhappy at the thought...

Mythical aspects of Dogs

Dogs are one of our favourite pets. These cuddly, adorable and the sweetest canines can never terrorize us (except to the people who are...