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Tags Posts tagged with "Summer"

Tag: Summer

Melting Roads- #Summer

Summer has broken all records in India this year and with the scorching heat, the roads have started to melt in parts of country....

De-Tanning your Skin

Indian Skin and Summer-  These are probably the most vicious enemies- With Summer having an edge being harsh while Indian skin being sensitive, is...

Beat the heat in 11 simple yet breath taking ways

Unable to bear the sweltering sun, here are some hilarious ways to enjoy the summer Instead of umbrella, try watermelon Keeps you cool! Try out in morning...

This summer, set style with sexy legs

Double the hotness of this summer, flaunting your sexy legs! Go on the street with some trendy miniskirts and shorts paired with best accessories and...

Freakish weather a setback for ice-cream and soft drink makers

Ice Cream and dairy products, Juices and soft drinks are hit among the people mostly in hot weather. But this time it seems a...

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