Yummy cherries


A bowl of cherries can make anybody’s life a little happy. Perfectly ripe cherry is an excellent treat. Cherries are mainly available in summer. Eating cherries during winter months can be costly and challenging, but at the end of this article, you will surely include cherries a regular part of your diet.

1. Controls cholesterol.

Controls-cholesterolCherries are high in Pectin, that lowers cholesterol.

2. Improves eyesight.

Improves-eyesightSour cherry contains beta-carotene, a source for vitamin A which is required for good eyesight.

3. Improves sleep

Improves-sleepCherry is a known source of melatonin that helps in sleeping pattern.

4. Relief from arthritis

Relief-from-arthritisAnthocyanin and bioflavonoid, compounds found in cherry help prevent arthritis.

5. Prevents premature aging

Prevents-premature-agingFlavonoids, isoqueritrin and queritrin found in cherry act as an anti oxidants, thereby slowing down the aging process

6. Help cure migraine

Help-cure-migraineAnthocyanin and bioflavonoid in cherry also help to cure migraine

So start adding cherry in the morning breakfast.


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